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Understand Your Cycle: What Is a Normal Period Flow and What's Not?

sites • November 7, 2022

Your period can tell you a lot about your total health. Read on to learn about what normal period flow looks like and what to do if yours is off.

Did you know that more than 1.8 billion people worldwide menstruate every month? When it comes to your period, typical hygiene products such as tampons and pads might come to mind, but what about menstrual discs and cups? The menstrual disc vs cup is a hot debate among many people who menstruate. 

After all, is one better than the other or are they more or less the same? Which option is more absorbent and, most importantly, which one is more comfortable? Keep reading and learn more about the difference between a menstrual cup and a menstrual disc.

What You Need To Know About Menstrual Cups

The first thing you need to know about these menstrual products is that they come in all different sizes and firmness levels. That way, you shouldn't have any trouble finding a menstrual cup that is absorbent enough for your period and also comfortable enough to wear all day. But why should you wear a menstrual cup instead of a tampon anyway?

First of all, menstrual cups are reusable because they are made of durable materials that don't degrade even after using them over and over again. For that reason, these cups are great for the environment as long as you wash and reuse them like you're supposed to. Second of all, menstrual cups reduce the risk of leakage throughout the day as long as you use them correctly. 

This is because the opening of the menstrual cup rests right up against your cervix. Then ensures that the cup catches everything. The only time such a cup would leak is if you wait too long to empty it and it starts to overflow. 

Another great thing about these cups is that they are easy to put in and take out. Menstrual cups are very flexible, even the firm ones, so all you need to do is squeeze the cup between your fingers and push it through the vaginal canal until the opening rests against the cervix. There is a narrow piece at the bottom of the cup that makes it easy to reach when it's time to take it out. 

The Details

To remove the cup, you should situate yourself over a toilet and slowly pull the cup out to empty the contents into the toilet. If you want to reuse the cup, which you should, you should always wash it with warm water and soap and then dry it before putting it back in. Every week or so, it is a good idea to boil the menstrual cup. 

The material the cup is made of is very durable and resistant, so you shouldn't have to worry about it melting. Boiling it will ensure that there are no harmful bacteria left on the cup which you could insert back into you if you're not careful. If you take care of your menstrual cup as you're supposed to, the cup could easily last you 10 years or more. 

When choosing a cup, be sure to choose the right size and firmness for you. If you choose a cup that is too long or too firm, you may find it uncomfortable to move or sit down. On the other hand, if you choose one that is too small or soft, you may experience leakage problems. 

What You Need To Know About Menstrual Discs

Now that you know about menstrual cups, you might be wondering how menstrual discs compare. After all, what is a menstrual disc exactly? How should you go about choosing the best menstrual disc for you?

While menstrual discs and cups are indeed similar, a disc has some important differences. It, after all, looks like a disc with a flexible outer ring and a piece of plastic covering the inside of the ring. This disc fits into the very back of the vaginal canal, specifically in the vaginal fornix which is very close to the opening of the cervix. 

Keep in mind that this disc is flat so, unlike a menstrual cup, it does not extend into the vaginal canal. But how should you go about getting the disc out once you put it in? It is more or less as easy as putting the disc in to begin with. 

Removing The Disc

The only downside is that removing the disc can be a bit messy. To start, you will want to situate yourself over a toilet with clean hands. Then, use a finger or two to reach into the vaginal opening until your finger hits the menstrual disc. 

Then, all you need to do is hook a finger around the edge of the disc and pull it out. Some menstrual discs are not reusable which can be a pain. However, there are some companies that do specialize in reusable menstrual discs if you want to try them.

The great thing about menstrual discs is that they tend to be more comfortable than menstrual cups. This is because the discs do not protrude so far into the vaginal canal. For that reason, you won't have to worry about feeling any discomfort when walking, sitting down, or doing any other activities. 

In fact, you can even use menstrual discs during sex. 

The Menstrual Disc vs Cup Debate

When it comes to the menstrual disc vs cup debate, one is not necessarily better than the other. Both are quite similar and both functions to keep you secure while on your period. Menstrual cups tend to be easier to remove than menstrual discs, but menstrual discs tend to be more comfortable because they are more streamlined. 

To learn more about period products, don't hesitate to contact us here.

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