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How To Clean a Menstrual Cup: A Guide

sites • November 7, 2022

Are you wondering how to clean a menstrual cup but don't know where to start? Keep reading and learn more about how it works here.

On average, women have more than 400 periods in their lifetimes. Periods can be difficult to manage, especially without access to the right products. While there were fewer choices for period products in past years, there are many more options available for you to choose from now. 

Do you want to learn more about the different menstrual product options on the market today? 

Keep reading this guide to review each of your choices for menstrual hygiene products and to get help finding the right products for your monthly needs. 

Menstrual Pads

One of the most commonly used period products is menstrual pads. These are pads that stick to the inside of your underwear to absorb blood after it has left the vagina. 

The adhesive will easily peel off when you are ready to dispose of the menstrual pad. 

Typically, you can buy pads in many different sizes, lengths, and absorbencies. These range from pads known as panty liners, for light flow, to maxi pads that are more absorbent. 

Benefits of Menstrual Pads

One of the biggest benefits of menstrual pads is that they are easy to use. Some period products may seem scary or difficult to use, especially for young girls that are just starting their menstrual cycles. 

Pads are self-intuitive, easy to apply, and nearly impossible to use incorrectly.

Menstrual pads are also a great option, as they have different options for different flows. This means that you can choose different types of pads for different needs on your cycle. 

Drawbacks of Menstrual Pads

One of the biggest drawbacks of using menstrual pads is that they create a lot of waste. They are disposable and are often packed in plastic wrappers, which makes them a less environmentally-friendly option for periods. 

Another drawback of pads is that they can be uncomfortable. Because they stick inside your underwear, some people feel like they don't feel natural. It can also be difficult or even impossible to do many activities, like sports or swimming, while wearing a menstrual pad. 


Another common type of period product is a tampon. These internal period products sit inside the vagina to absorb menstrual blood. 

You can buy tampons in nearly any store and similar to menstrual pads, they come with many different types of absorbencies. This makes it easy to select a type of tampon that works best for your flow. 

Materials used to create tampons vary from cotton to rayon and more. They also require applicators to help insert the tampon into your vagina. 

Benefits of Tampons

One great benefit of using a tampon for your period needs is that it makes it easy to continue your regular activities. Whether you play sports, want to go to the pool, or just want to be able to move around freely, tampons make this easy. 

You can also buy tampons that fit your exact period needs. Because your flow changes throughout the week, you can buy tampons with different absorbencies to accommodate these changes. 

Drawbacks of Tampons

Tampons still have some drawbacks. Because of the way tampons work, using them creates a small risk of developing toxic shock syndrome. However, as long as you don't use them for longer than the recommended amount of time, this isn't a super big concern. 

Certain brands of tampons are also made with chemicals and other potential reproductive toxins. Because tampons go inside your vagina, these chemicals can be a potential risk to your health. 

Luckily, you can avoid this risk by buying organic tampons!

Period Underwear

Period underwear is one of the most popular alternatives to tampons and pads. It is one of the first alternatives to disposable feminine hygiene products and works similarly to a menstrual pad. 

It uses a specific type of material that absorbs menstrual blood. Because these period panties have many layers of absorbent material, you will never have to worry about them leaking. 

After wearing your period underwear, you can simply wash them to prepare them for future use. 

Benefits of Period Underwear

Period underwear offers many benefits to people with a menstrual cycle. 

One of the main benefits of period underwear is that they are easy to use. Similar to a menstrual pad, there is no learning curve when you switch to this type of reusable period product. 

Another great benefit is that they are designed to prevent leaks, odor, and staining. This makes them a great alternative to menstrual pads, which often have a distinct smell when they fill with menstrual blood. 

Because they prevent staining, you also don't need to worry about ruining all of your pairs of underwear when you are on your period. 

Drawbacks of Period Underwear

Although period underwear provides many benefits, there are also a few drawbacks to this reusable period product. 

One primary drawback is that period underwear can be an expensive investment. They cost a lot more than other types of underwear and the cost will vary depending on the company you buy them from. 

You will also need to buy a few pairs to get you through your menstrual cycle, as you need to wash them after each use. 

Menstrual Cups

If you don't like the idea of period underwear, there are many other reusable alternatives for period products. One product that is gaining popularity is a menstrual cup. This is a type of internal period product, similar to tampons. 

However, rather than absorbing blood, the menstrual cup collects it. When it is removed, the blood can be poured into the toilet. 

Benefits of Menstrual Cups

Menstrual cups provide many great benefits. 

Similar to any other reusable period product, it is much better for the environment than other single-use period products. You can reuse a menstrual cup for many cycles without having to replace it. 

Another great benefit of a menstrual cup is that it can be used for longer than other period products. With tampons, you can only use them for a few hours. If left in too long, it can potentially cause toxic shock syndrome and other serious health concerns. 

Menstrual cups can be used for up to 12 hours without needing to be changed! They also don't increase your risk of toxic shock syndrome. 

Drawbacks of Menstrual Cups

The main drawback of using menstrual cups is that it has a learning curve when you first start using one. The cups come in different sizes and require different types of folds to insert them comfortably. 

It can be a bit overwhelming for people that are new to internal period products. However, most women that use menstrual cups say that it is 100% worth figuring it out!

Menstrual Discs

Finally, you can choose to use menstrual discs for your period. Menstrual discs are similar to menstrual cups, but have a flatter design and are positioned differently. 

Rather than using suction, like a menstrual cup, menstrual discs use gravity and sit near the base of your cervix. They get tucked behind the pelvic bone and will hold more than a traditional tampon. 

Both menstrual cups and menstrual discs collect blood, rather than absorb it. 

Benefits of Menstrual Discs

Menstrual discs offer many of the same benefits as menstrual cups. For example, they provide 12 hours of protection, are better for the environment, and last for years without needing to be replaced. 

However, menstrual discs provide additional benefits to menstrual cups. Many people say that menstrual discs help minimize cramps from menstruation. Plus, the placement of menstrual discs makes it possible to have mess-free sex while you are on your period. 

If you are interested in trying a menstrual disc for your period, you can buy these period products online!

Drawbacks of Menstrual Discs

The main drawback of using a menstrual disc is that it can be difficult to insert. Because menstrual discs require gravity to stay in place, they need to be inserted behind your pubic bone and close to your cervix. 

This means that you may have to reach your fingers up higher into your vagina while you place a menstrual disc. 

Similar to other reusable period products, menstrual discs can also be a larger investment. However, because they are reusable, you will end up saving money on period products in the long run!

Looking for the Best Menstrual Product and Period Essentials?

When you are on your period, having the right period products can make a world of difference. Learning more about each of these menstrual product options can help you find the right options for your flow to prevent leaks and unnecessary discomfort during your period. 

Do you need help finding period essentials to prepare for your cycle? Flo Box can help! We offer subscription boxes and period products to help you manage your periods. 

Contact us today to learn more about our period products and to start shopping for period essentials. 

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